Upcoming Workshops and Classes in 2014

Several workshops have recently been posted under the Upcoming Events page for 2014.

In addition, The Eagle Hill Institute is offering 3 week-long courses that may be of interest:

Wetland Identification and Delineation, and Associated Ecology 

June 15 to 21. Taught by Matt Schweisberg and Joe Homer

(Tuition = $575) 

Sedges and Rushes: Identification and Ecology

June 15 to 21. Taught by Anton Reznicek

A Survey of Grasses of Northeastern North America

August 3 to 9. Taught by Dennis Magee

For general information about The Eagle Hill program, go to 


2014 Vernal Pool Migration Reports

Vernal pool critter migration is nearly upon us. We've been hearing reports of critter movement in the greater Boston area and it will only be a matter of time before we're all scrambling to get out and count egg masses here in Maine. Similar to last year, please comment on this post as you have reports of activity. Please include the following:

Location (town name or region)

Date of sighting

Species observed (heard, seen, etc.)

Type of evidence of activity (adults on road, egg masses, spermatophores, etc.)

2013 Vernal Pool Activity

The vernal pool season is upon us, I am hearing sporadic reports that critters are beginning to make their way to the pools. To keep everyone in the loop on the progression of critter migration across the state, feel free to use the comment section of this post. Let everyone know what you are seeing and hearing out there!

MAWS Mail List

If you would like to be on our mailing list and receive email updates about the membership, upcoming workshops, and other "happenings" of the organization you can do so by visiting the list page under "Membership". Once there, you can view past posts and request a subscription.