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SWS NE Chapter - Wetland Restoration

Join the New England Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientist on a field trip to Northern Vermont to visit floodplain forest communities and efforts by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to restore floodplain forests. Lead by Christian O. Marks, floodplain ecologist with TNC, we will visit two locations (Maidstone and Lemmington, VT) and spend the day studying floodplain forest patches, point bars and oxbow wetlands and then visit floodplain forest restoration areas, reviewing plantings as well as comparing natural regeneration in old hay fields and old corn fields.

Convene in Canaan VT and travel to the two different sites. Spend the day in northern VT with fellow wetland scientists and then spend the weekend in beautiful country!  The field trip starts at 10:30 a.m. to allow for travel time and ends at 4 p.m. Students are especially encouraged with a low registration fee of $5.  Members are $10 if paid by July 16, and $15 afterward.  Non-members are $15 if paid by July 16, and $20 thereafter.

Click here to register.